Joint Cost: Definition, Examples, and Methodologies

On the contrary, the co-products can be processed at the will of the business. The problem in this case may occur while fixing price based on the cost of various products where products may be of different variety, grades or quality. Since the costing system is common, the unit price will be uniform which will have practical implications.

Understanding joint and by-product costing is important in manufacturing for several reasons

This gives an average unit cost with particular net profit for the total operations. However, this method could be used where processes are common and inseparable for the joint products. Also the products so received can be expressed in a common unit, say kilograms, numbers etc. In addition to tax regulations, cost accountants must also ensure compliance with accounting standards, such as the Generally Accepted Accounting Principles (GAAP) in the United States.

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These are just a few of the HR functions accounting firms must provide to stay competitive in the talent game. If the products obtained are of different significant values, the product with the greater value is the main product and the product with the less value is a by-product/secondary product. Quickonomics provides free access to education on economic topics to everyone around financial reporting small business the world. Our mission is to empower people to make better decisions for their personal success and the benefit of society. Take self-paced courses to master the fundamentals of finance and connect with like-minded individuals. A financial professional will offer guidance based on the information provided and offer a no-obligation call to better understand your situation.

How can I calculate the share of joint costs in a project?

Cost accountants must use an allocation method that accurately reflects the resources used in the production of each product and must use the same allocation method consistently over time. Accurate and consistent cost information is essential for decision-making and maintaining financial statement credibility. In summary, cost accountants must ensure that joint and by-product costing complies with regulatory requirements, including tax regulations and accounting standards.

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A cashew nuts processing unit produces two varieties of cashew nuts, premium and regular, at a joint cost of ₹75000, out of which ₹25000 is the fixed cost. The quantity produced is 100Kg and 150Kg; and sold at ₹750 and ₹600 per Kg, respectively. Finished production of every kind is multiplied by weight factors to apportion the total joint cost to individual units. Not-for-profits (NFPs) often conduct activities that mix program activities and fundraising.

The use of the sales value seems to be the fair and more relevant basis for the apportionment. Let’s understand the concept based on the sales value method of apportionment. Joint cost is the cost that adds value to more than one process of the business.

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For example, a lumber mill that produces hardwood and softwood from a common set of logs might use the physical units method to allocate joint costs based on the number of board feet produced for each product. In this method, a physical base, such as raw material, weight and volume, is applied in allocating commoncosts incurred before split-off point to joint products. We can consider an example of crude oil that has three common products, A, B and C, where proportion in production is 30%, 40% and 30%, respectively. While allocating joint costs, we will allocate the total joint costs in the same proportion.

  1. Joint costing is used when two or more products are produced from a common process, and the costs must be divided between the products.
  2. Since the whole wheat is a joint cost that produced two outputs after the split-off.
  3. Therefore, the prime concern in respect of joint products remains adequate and proper allocation of the joint costs.
  4. NFP A mails informational materials to the parents of all junior high school students explaining the prevalence and dangers of drug abuse.

The joint cost is the start of the process and the joint product is the final stage of the process. The surveyor allotted the points of 3, 2.5, and 4.5 as per technical specifications, and tons produced were 2,000, 5,000, and 3,000 respectively. This method accurately reflects the relative value of the resources used in the production of each product and is consistent with accounting principles. These separable product costs are identifiable with the individual product and generally need no allocation. The joint product cost results from the creation of two or more different products from a single cost factor.

If this is not done, the concerning issue will be how to allocate the common costs. It will have an impact on the valuation of inventory, profit forecasting and unreasonable costing and pricing of other products. One of the simplest methods to apportion joint cost is the average unit cost method.

Management is responsible for ensuring proper cost allocation for these activities to facilitate accurate reporting in NFP financial statements. Recent media reports have questioned the efficacy and subjective nature of NFPs’ reporting of joint costs. Indeed, the risk of improper allocation makes accounting for costs of activities that include joint costs a complex area for NFPs and their auditors. In other words, the joint cost is an input and the joint product is an output obtained from the process. As the quality/quantity of the input does affect the quality/quantity of the output same is true in the case of joint cost and joint product. The sales value method uses selling price as a basis for the apportionment of the joint cost.

If the total value of the joint product is significant, then additional analytical detail can improve decision making by management. The joint cost should not be confused with the common cost because they are significantly different from each other. A true joint cost is always indivisible whereas a common cost is divisible. For example, the costs related to power and fuel may be allocated among products on the basis of metered usage or production volume of each individual product. Cost accountants must ensure that the chosen allocation method is consistent with GAAP and that the financial statements accurately reflect the costs incurred in producing joint and by-products. In manufacturing, joint products are two or more products that are produced from a common set of raw materials or resources.

Joint costing becomes useful when expenses simultaneously benefit two or more departments of a business. Special numbers or attribution in accounting indicates the cost is a joint cost. As such, the accounting department assigns the cost twice in the appropriate proportion to the corresponding departments. Joint costing makes a useful tool for encouraging budgeting cooperation between departments. It’s not always possible to separate the cost or contribution between the beneficiaries accurately, but joint costing is an acceptable form of accounting for most small businesses.

It is a process in which seeking to create one type of output product automatically also creates other types of output product. Another method for allocating joint costs is the sales value at the split-off method. Under this method, joint costs are allocated based on the sales value of each joint product at the point where they are separated from each other in the production process. An average unit cost is obtained by dividing the total number of units produced into the total joint production cost. In this example, the purpose, audience, and content criteria are met, and the joint costs should be allocated. The audience criterion is met because the audience (parents of all junior high school students) is selected based on its need to use or reasonable potential to use the action called for by the program component.